The California End of Life Option Act went into effect on June 9, 2016. This compassionate option allows for an eligible terminally ill adult, with a prognosis of six months or less to live, to request and receive a prescription form their doctor that they can self-ingest to peacefully end their suffering.
An improvement bill, SB 380, took effect in 2022. The Department of Public Health’s annual data report showed there was a 47% increase in Californians who used the law in 2022, increasing access to the law exactly as intended.
We will continue to work on reauthorizing this law, removing the sunset provision, and reducing barriers to access while ensuring safeguards remain intact.
The CDSS issued a notice to adult and senior care facilities about the End of Life Option Act. Residents who qualify for medical aid in dying living in assisted facilities and other adult or senior care facilities are able to take their medication in their home and can’t be evicted for choosing this option.
Law Advocates Who Sought to Intervene in Case Celebrate Ruling As Win for Dying Californians Compassion & Choices, which filed a motion on behalf of three California patients with disabilities and two doctors requesting to intervene in a federal lawsuit claiming the state’s revised End of Life Option Act (EOLOA) discriminates against people with disabilities,…
José Alejandro Lemuz Hace un Llamado a Su Gente Latina Para Que Conozca Sus Opciones de Cuidados de Salud Para el Fin de Vida José Alejandro Lemuz, un Latino con una enfermedad terminal con cáncer de próstata terminal e incurable, grabó un video para anunciar que planea utilizar el End of Life Option Act, o Ley…
José Alejandro Lemuz Urges Fellow Hispanics to Learn About Their End-of-Life Care Options A terminally ill Latino, José Alejandro Lemuz, with incurable, terminal prostate cancer, has recorded a video to announce he plans to use California’s End of Life Option Act that allows medical aid in dying as an option to gently end unbearable suffering. The law was…
Defensores de Ley que Intervinieron en el Caso Celebran Fallo como Victoria Para Californianos que están Muriendo Compassion & Choices, la organización que presentó una moción en nombre de tres pacientes con discapacidades y dos médicos de California que intervinieron en una demanda federal, que alegaba que la Ley de Opción de Fin de Vida…
Updated 3/29/2024 While we acknowledge that the California End of Life Option Act (SB1196) can be improved to enhance accessibility for those who qualify under the existing law, it’s imperative to approach any additional proposals with empathy toward those seeking access to the law, an awareness of the risks to vulnerable populations, an understanding of…
Tres pacientes con discapacidades de California y dos médicos de California presentaron el jueves una moción solicitando intervenir en una demanda federal, alegando que el End of Life Option Act o la actualizada Ley de Opción para el Fin de Vida del estado, discrimina a las personas con discapacidades. También presentaron una moción para desestimar…
Three California patients with disabilities and two California doctors filed a motion Thursday requesting to intervene in a federal lawsuit claiming the state’s revised End of Life Option Act discriminates against people with disabilities. They also filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Their motions are posted at: The state official defendants filed two separate motions in…
Ley Mejorada Funciona Como Esperaban Legisladores: Incrementar el Acceso Para los Californianos Que están Muriendo Un nuevo informe sobre el California End of Life Option Act o Ley de Opción de Fin de Vida de California que permite a los adultos con enfermedades terminales que se encuentran en pleno uso de sus facultades mentales, utilizar…
Enhanced Law Working as Lawmakers Intended: to Increase Access for Dying Californians A new report on California’s End of Life Option Act that allows mentally capable, terminally ill adults to use medical aid in dying to gently end their suffering shows 47% more Californians used the law in 2022, increasing access to the law exactly as intended….
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