Cathy Deering Cathy Deering, pharmacy technician and mother of three, witnessed her father’s heartbreaking and painful death from ALS.
Maggie Schneider Huston Maggie is advocating for patient-directed care after her father struggled to get his doctors to honor his wishes for a peaceful end of life.
Victor Silva Thanks to many dinner table conversations, Victor knew his parents’ wishes for their end-of-life care and was able to honor them.
Lisa Bradley When Lisa’s mother developed dementia and eventually enrolled in hospice, her end-of-life planning helped make her passing peaceful.
Barbara Webster Barbara Webster’s brother Chuck wanted the option of medical aid in dying to end his suffering from a rare form of bladder cancer.
Sanford Wood Sanford Wood’s wife made her end-of-life wishes known: She wanted comfort care and to not prolong the dying process.
Beth McKenna Beth McKenna is advocating for medical aid in dying in Illinois after witnessing her father’s peaceful death using the option in Vermont.
Maureen Ruddy and Donna Prosser The suffering that Donna’s husband and Maureen’s brother endured before he died inspired their advocacy for end-of-life care and options.
Rabbi Sarah Rensin Rabbi Sarah Rensin, hospice chaplain, has helped dying people access medical aid in dying and have the spiritual ending they wanted.