On January 16, 2025, the End of Life Options Act (SD.1665/HD.2540) was introduced for the 2025-2026 legislative session by Senator Jo Comerford, Representative Jim O’Day and Representative Ted Philips.
While we wait for the bill to be assigned to a committee, we ask that advocates in Massachusetts use the link below to email their legislators and ask them to co-sponsor this session’s bills.
The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act would authorize medical aid in dying in Massachusetts, bringing the full range of end-of-life care options to terminally ill Massachusetts residents. Email your lawmakers today and urge them to cosponsor the bill.
Massachusetts stations will start airing a PBS documentary about medical aid in dying on Friday night featuring a retired internist in Falmouth with stage IV cancer, Dr. Roger Kligler, who also is a Compassion & Choices volunteer advocate for passing the End of Life Options Act (SD801/HD1456). The documentary, “When My Time Comes,” hosted by…
This week, we saw some incredible victories: In Montana, on Monday, we struck down an egregious attempt to criminalize doctors for relieving their patients’ unbearable pain. In New Mexico, in partnership with the New Mexico End of Life Options Coalition, we’ve cleared legislation that would authorize medical aid in dying through the House. On Monday, it…
Compassion & Choices Action Network today praised Massachusetts lawmakers for reintroducing the End of Life Options Act (SD 801/HD 1456) and urged the Legislature to pass the popular bill to prevent any more terminally ill residents from needlessly suffering or not having full autonomy over their death. “There is no miracle that will rid me…
Citando un nuevo editorial del Boston Globe y una encuesta reciente de Massachusetts, tres grupos de defensa de cuidados de salud para el fin de vida, están haciendo un llamado a los legisladores estatales para que utilicen la sesión postelectoral y conviertan en ley, una medida de ayuda médica para morir, antes de finalizar este…
Citing a new Boston Globe editorial and recent Massachusetts poll, three end-of-life care advocacy groups jointly running the grassroots campaign to pass a medical aid-in-dying bill are urging state lawmakers to utilize the post-election session to enact the legislation into law this year. According to a Boston Globe-Suffolk University poll published in September, seven out of 10 Massachusetts residents…
The Boston Globe published a timely editorial on Sunday endorsing the Massachusetts End of Life Option Act that would give mentally capable, terminally ill state residents the option of medical aid in dying to peacefully end their suffering if it becomes unbearable. The editorial is opportune because lawmakers must pass this compassionate legislation before the…
As Compassion & Choices volunteers in Massachusetts urge their lawmakers to pass the End of Life Options Act in 2020 (watch video highlights of Nov. 9 Zoom rally), on Sunday the Boston Globe published a nearly 3,000-word story profiling terminally ill people in Oregon and Washington who received prescriptions for medical aid in dying. The…
Citando una encuesta de Massachusetts publicada recientemente, los patrocinadores y partidarios de la medida End of Life Options Act, u Opciones para el Fin de Vida, realizaron hoy un rally por Zoom, para hacer un llamado a la legislatura estatal, a fin de que se utilice la sesión post electoral y se autorice la propuesta…
Citing a recently released Massachusetts poll, sponsors and supporters of the End of Life Options Act held a Zoom rally today at 4 p.m. to urge state lawmakers to utilize the post-election session to enact the legislation into law this year. According to a Boston Globe-Suffolk University poll published in September, seven out of 10…
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