On January 16, 2025, the End of Life Options Act (SD.1665/HD.2540) was introduced for the 2025-2026 legislative session by Senator Jo Comerford, Representative Jim O’Day and Representative Ted Philips.
While we wait for the bill to be assigned to a committee, we ask that advocates in Massachusetts use the link below to email their legislators and ask them to co-sponsor this session’s bills.
The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act would authorize medical aid in dying in Massachusetts, bringing the full range of end-of-life care options to terminally ill Massachusetts residents. Email your lawmakers today and urge them to cosponsor the bill.
An excerpt from the KevinMD.com blog post, “Medical aid in dying is not assisted suicide,” by Roger Kligler, MD, published October 18, 2020: “In the KevinMD article, ‘Assisted suicide: a change of heart,’ the author contends that there is salvation in suffering, but not everyone believes that is true. While I support the author’s ability…
An excerpt from the Boston Globe letter, “Everyone should have power to make end-of-life decisions,” by Compassion & Choices Massachusetts Campaign Manager Brian Monteiro, published October 15, 2020: Re: “Is death the great equalizer?”: Bravo to the Globe journalists who researched and wrote this three-part series vividly exposing the economic and ethnic disparities in our…
An excerpt from the Telegram & Gazette opinion column, “Massachusetts must provide end-of-life care options,” by Compassion & Choices Massachusetts Campaign Manager Brian Monteiro, published October 7, 2020: “Contrary to Dr. Rhee’s claims, a Journal of Medical ethics report about Oregon’s medical aid-in-dying law (the model for Massachusetts End of Life Options Act) concluded:…
Seven out of 10 Massachusetts residents (70%) support medical aid in dying, according to a poll published by The Boston Globe Monday that the paper conducted jointly with Suffolk University last November. The poll’s release is timely because Massachusetts lawmakers still have time before the end of the legislative session to pass the End of…
An excerpt from The Daily News of Newburyport letter to the editor, “Supports the End of Life Options Act,” by West Newbury resident Paula Breger, published September 9, 2020: I’m writing to express my support for the End of Life Options Act (H.4782/S.2745), and I urge its passage by the Massachusetts Legislature when it reconvenes…
An excerpt from the Greenfield Recorder letter to the editor, “‘We need more options’,” by Florence resident Linda Matson, published August 21, 2020: I am writing concerning John Kelly’s recent opinion piece in the Recorder [‘Older, ill and disabled people deserve choice-promoting services, supports’]. It is so filled with misunderstandings I hardly know where to…
An excerpt from the Boston Globe op-ed, “Mass. should enact End of Life Options Act,” by Lexington resident Michael Martignetti, published August 13, 2020: Thirty years ago, I was diagnosed with Friedreich’s ataxia, an incurable neuromuscular, and often life-shortening, disease, which will eventually incapacitate me. Since 1990, I have lost the ability to walk and…
An excerpt from the Greenfield Recorder letter to the editor, “Re: Sandra Boston’s letter, ‘Death with Dignity’,” by Greenfield resident Tom Travis, published July 21, 2020: I have had a sister who had ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and she suffered for months. If Massachusetts had passed H 1926 Senate docket No. 1208…
An excerpt from The Salem News letter to the editor, “Support end-of-life choices,” by Topsfield resident Heidi Fox, published July 15, 2020: ..After 10 years, Massachusetts is ready to consider the personal end-of-life decisions families make to relieve the suffering of the terminally ill, when the Joint Committee on Public Health recently passed [the Massachusetts…
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