Susan Rahn

Susan Rahn is a medical aid-in-dying advocate and has been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer.

“I want to live more than anything... But eventually, my treatment options will run out. What I don’t want is to suffer and be in uncontrollable pain while my body shuts down for what could be weeks."

Susan Rahn and her son.

Susan Rahn and her son.

I have been living with metastatic breast cancer for almost seven years. With an average lifespan of 36 months, I have watched most of my friends die deaths I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Any one of which will eventually be my fate as well.

Recently, a close friend had run out of treatment options. The breast cancer in her brain and liver was too aggressive. I sat in the hospital room with her for three days and two nights of the nine days she held on.

The medical staff had a difficult time keeping her comfortable. She was hallucinating and was extremely agitated. No amount of morphine was controlling her pain.

Melissa had hoped that New York would have passed the Medical Aid in Dying Act in time. She fully supported the bill. She didn’t want her 6 yr old daughter to see her die; to remember her like that.

It’s unfortunate that lawmakers here in NY haven’t heard what the people they serve want year after year. This option is a very personal decision that should be afforded to those terminally ill patients who wish to die peacefully and without suffering. Individuals with life-threatening illnesses can make autonomous decisions regarding their treatment every day. Patient decisions must not be limited at the end of life.

I have been monumentally lucky; however, one day that luck will run out. When it does, I want to know Albany did not let me down. Join me in telling our lawmakers it’s time to do what’s right. It’s time to pass the Medical Aid in Dying Act.

Susan Rahn Speaking

Susan Rahn Speaking


News About Susan

A good death

Rochester woman pleads for right to die

Rochester woman leading effort for NY to pass right-to-die bill

Susan’s Videos

Susan Rahn’s Message to Lawmakers

Susan Rahn and Corinne Carey on New York Viewpoint

Susan Speaks Before the Media Captured by the Democrat & Chronicle

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