Compassion & Choices NY Weekly Why: We Stand with Buffalo (May 16)

May 16, 2022

Distributed to New York State Lawmakers via email May 16, 2022:

Good morning,
In light of the vicious, hateful killings of treasured Buffalo community members, my only message for today is to send my deepest condolences and regards to our Buffalo friends — the families of those who lost loved ones, the community that experienced this abhorrent attack, and the Western New York lawmakers and their staff who represent them.
Compassion & Choices envisions a society that affirms life and accepts the inevitability of death, embraces expanded options for compassionate dying, and empowers everyone to choose end-of-life care that reflects their values, priorities, and beliefs.
But there are many deaths that are far from inevitable. We stand united in grief and anger with those who mourn the ten lives taken well before their time.
Racism, white supremacy, far-too-easy access to firearms for those intent on domestic terrorism, and a breakdown in civic discourse are issues our state must deal with if we are serious about preventing another act of terror in our great state.


Weekly Why Archive

Each week that New York State Lawmakers were in session in 2022, Compassion & Choices New York provided a deep dive into each of the issues surrounding New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act. You can find each of these weekly communications with lawmakers here: 

Compassion & Choices
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[email protected] 
Phone: (480) 622 4427

Patricia A. González-Portillo
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[email protected]
(323) 819 0310

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