Compassion & Choices Magazine: Fall 2024

Published September 18th, 2024
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top of mind

From Fear to Treasure: The New Narrative of End-of-Life Choices

We are delighted to feature Tembi Locke on the cover of our magazine and in the Five Questions. Her powerful memoir, From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily, and Finding Home, which inspired the Netflix series starring Zoe Saldana, exemplifies how issues of death and dying are gaining increased prominence in movies, TV and the media .

This progress is both exciting and noteworthy; however, we have the potential to create a far more empowering narrative that shifts the taboo topic of death and dying to one that is embraced and treasured. Our courageous terminally ill advocates have illuminated the path forward for us all.

These advocates have taught us that by facing our own mortality, we can infuse our everyday lives with greater meaning and purpose. Their courage and wisdom remind us of the importance of living fully, appreciating each moment, and fostering deeper connections with others. Check out an excerpt from my recently published book chapter, “Wisdom From the Brink: Lessons for Living a More Meaningful Life” from the book Plan A Life You Love.

One day, as a society, we will transform our relationship with death into a powerful reminder of the joy of living, leading to lives filled with greater impact and fewer regrets. Together, we can achieve this transformation, one person, one conversation at a time.

In service and with gratitude,

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Kim Callinan

President and Chief Executive Officer

Featured Articles

The Progress Toward Acceptance of End-of-Life Conversations

Over the last 50 years, we’ve made incredible progress in moving end-of-life discussions from the shadows to center stage.

Wisdom From the Brink: Lessons for Living a More Meaningful Life

Kim Callinan, President & CEO Emerita of Compassion & Choices, pens a meaningful message in this anthology.

José Alejandro Lemuz’s Long Journey to the End of Life

Mr. Lemuz’s experience accessing medical aid in dying.

Five Questions for Tembi Locke

Author, co-creator and executive producer of the Netflix adaptation, From Scratch

Read More of Compassion & Choices Fall Magazine

Words & Pictures

In the Media

Recent features in news media from outlets across the nation and around the world.
national programs update

National Programs Update

Read updates from Compassion & Choices national efforts.
state spotlight

Historic Victory: Delaware’s Legislature

Ten years of tireless advocacy by the Compassion & Choices Action Network Delaware team and our terminally ill advocates appeared to have paid off.
advocacy in action

Momentum Across the States

Read updates from states across the country.

How Can I Help?

We Are GLAD You Asked!

At Compassion & Choices, we’re committed to empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their own end-of-life wishes and to changing laws and systems to provide better care for all of us. But we can’t do it alone. Here’s how you can help:

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Be a beacon of change in your community by spreading awareness:
  • Share information on social media or with your networks
  • Serve as an ambassador; talk to your family, friends and networks
  • Share your story
  • Volunteer your time and talents
  • Contact your elected officials
  • Talk to your doctors and other healthcare professionals
  • Host an event to engage
    your networks
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Encourage advocacy and support by inviting your community to ours:
  • Donors
  • Media contacts
  • Celebrities
  • Organizational and community
  • Professionals (clinicians, faith leaders, financial planners, bankers, lawyers, etc.)
  • Storytellers
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Fuel our efforts to provide education, advocacy and support to individuals facing end-of-life decisions:
  • Contribute today by check, credit card, cryptocurrency, stock or mutual funds, donoradvised funds and more
  • Include Compassion & Choices in your estate plan with planned giving taxwise strategies, such as a bequest in your will or trust, an IRA, charitable gift annuities and gifts of life insurance or real estate
  • Offer your firm’s services pro bono

Your support is invaluable to improve care, expand options and empower everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. Together, we can make a difference.

Read previous issues

Managing Editor

Bonnie Lawhorn

Art Director

Bhavna Kumar

Staff Writers

Erika Bieranowski
Michael Cavaiola
Carolyn Desalu
Marina Gephart
Patricia A. González-Portillo
Stephen Hyde
Alyson Lynch
Kelsey Michael


Kim Callinan
Mickey MacIntyre

Reprints, Reuse and Additional Copies
[email protected]
To request additional copies please email the address above.


Send address changes to:

Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd., #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

In the normal course of business, Compassion & Choices regularly exchanges mailing lists with other like-minded organizations. If you would like to have your name removed from these exchanges, please notify us in writing, including your name and address. We will honor your wish upon receipt of your request.

General Mailing Address:
Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

Mail contributions directly to:
Compassion & Choices Gift Processing Center
PO Box 485
Etna, NH 03750

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