Medical aid in dying was enacted in New Jersey on August 1, 2019.
On January 9, 2024, Assemblymember Herb Conaway introduced Bill A1880, which waives or reduces the waiting period between requests if the person is not expected to survive that time frame. The bill was referred to the Assembly Health Committee. A summary of the bill can be found here.
Threats to the law: A407, aimed at repealing the Medical Aid in Dying Act and A406, which makes it a crime of the first degree to coerce a patient to request medical aid in dying or forge a patient’s request for medical aid in dying were both introduced this session but neither have moved in committee.
New Jersey Death with Dignity is a 501c3 organization that provides services, education, and end-of-life advocacy
By more than a 2-to-one margin (63% to 29%) of New Jersey residents feel that allowing doctors to legally prescribe lethal drugs to help terminally ill patients end their own lives should be an end-of-life option in the state. See more polling data.
A recent public opinion survey conducted by Momentum Analysis, a public opinion research firm based in Washington, D.C., shows strong support among New Jersey voters for death with dignity both as a personal option and as legislation. Nearly two-thirds (63%) support allowing mentally competent, terminally ill adults with six months or less to live to…
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