Medical aid in dying was authorized in Montana when the state Supreme Court found in 2009 that “[The] Rights of the Terminally Ill Act clearly provides that terminally ill patients are entitled to autonomous end-of-life decisions.” Compassion & Choices litigated this case.
This year, we are once again fighting to protect end-of-life options in Montana. Opposition lawmakers have introduced SB 136, the Physician Imprisonment Act, which would criminalize doctors for respecting their terminally-ill patients’ decision to request medical aid in dying. On February 7th, the Montana Senate voted to approve SB 136 by a vote of 29 to 20. We need your help to stop the bill in the House – please contact your representative in Helena and urge them to vote NO on this harmful bill!
URGENT: End-of-life options are under attack in Montana. Please urge your lawmakers to vote NO on the Physician Imprisonment Act!
Overview – Over 80% of Montanans Support Medical Aid in Dying
Susquehanna Polling and Research – Montana Statewide Public Opinion Survey
Medida Acusaría a Médicos de Homicidio por Brindar Opción de Muerte Pacífica a Pacientes
Bill Would Charge Doctors with Homicide for Providing Patients with Peaceful Death Option
Medical aid in dying is under attack in Montana — and we need your help. Montana lawmakers have attempted to criminalize medical aid in dying every single session since the right to this compassionate choice was upheld by the Montana Supreme Court in 2009. Just a few weeks ago SB 136, the Physician Imprisonment Act, was…
SB136 Podría Criminalizar a Médicos por Brindar a Pacientes Opción Para Muerte Pacífica Después de una emotiva audiencia del jueves, el Montana Senate Judiciary Committee votó hoy para avanzar el Physician Imprisonment Act (SB 136) o Medida de Encarcelamiento a Médicos, que criminaliza la práctica de ayuda médica para morir en el estado. A pesar…
Despite passionate testimony from voters from around the state imploring the committee to uphold Montanans’ end-of-life liberties by stopping SB136, committee members voted 7-2 recommending the bill to be heard by the full Senate.
Our Introduction to Medical Aid in Dying state packets help explain the medical aid in dying process in jurisdictions where it is authorized*. Compassion & Choices updated the packets to be the most comprehensive resource for those wanting to understand or use medical aid-in-dying laws.
Compassion & Choices presentó un amicus brief o escrito amicus curiae ante la Corte Suprema de Montana, afirmando que una ley estatal que prohíbe ciertos tratamientos médicos para transgéneros menores de edad, puede amenazar los derechos de privacidad para tomar decisiones médicas en cada etapa de la vida, incluyendo el fin de vida. Un tribunal…
Compassion & Choices has filed an amicus brief in the Montana Supreme Court asserting a state law banning certain medical treatments for transgender minors could threaten the privacy rights to make medical decisions at every stage of life, including the end of life. A Montana district court blocked enforcement of the law in late September, just a few days…
This year, Compassion & Choices honors Doris Fischer, the co-winner of the inaugural Allyne Hammer Award. For 16 dedicated years, Doris has volunteered with Compassion & Choices, leaving an indelible mark in Montana. Medical aid in dying was authorized in Montana by court ruling in 2009, with Doris participating in the efforts to keep it…
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