
Status of Medical Aid in Dying

Thanks to the persistence of thousands of advocates, the Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act (SF1813/HF1930) moved farther this year than ever before, passing successfully through four House committees and was poised for passage on the House floor. Unfortunately, the Minnesota Senate did not advance the bill due to opposition from two DFL Senators, putting a majority vote out of reach. Although we did not prevail this year, awareness and support are higher than ever. We appreciate and commend Rep. Freiberg and the lawmakers who advanced HF 1930. We plan to build on this momentum in the future. On behalf of terminally ill Minnesotans, we’ll be back in 2025.

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Polling Data

By a three-to-one margin, Minnesotans feel that allowing doctors to legally prescribe lethal drugs to help terminally ill patients end their own lives should be an end-of-life option in the state. See more polling data.

Minnesota residents support medical aid in dying by a 3 to 1 margin, according to the Greenberg, Quinlan Rosner Research Survey, Aug.29-Sept. 1, 2016

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Minnesota Stories

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Volunteer Spotlight: Sally Settle
December 10, 2015

Inspired by Brittany Maynard’s story in People magazine last year, Sally Settle’s mother, dying of leukemia, considered doing the same thing: relocating to Oregon from her home state of Minnesota in order to access medical aid in dying. “But it wasn’t realistic,” her daughter explains. “You can’t fathom giving up the last bit of time you have with your…

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