On January 17, 2023, bill S.1331/H.2246, which would authorize medical aid for dying in Massachusetts, was introduced by Sen. Jo Comerford, Rep. Jim O’Day, and Rep. Ted Philips and was assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Health. February 7, 2024, the End of Life Options Act was moved favorably out of the Joint Committee on Public Health as a Senate bill, carrying the House bill. On April 25, 2024, the bill moved favorably out of the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing to the Senate Ways and Means Committee, where it is now awaiting action.
The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act would authorize medical aid in dying in Massachusetts, bringing the full range of end-of-life care options to terminally ill Massachusetts residents. Email your lawmakers today and urge them to cosponsor the bill.
Vow to Persuade Legislature to Pass Long-Overdue End of Life Options Act (Boston, Mass.) Supporters of medical aid in dying expressed sadness but said they are undeterred by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s ruling today that terminally ill adults have no state constitutional right to medical aid in dying and that state law prohibits this…
Compassion & Choices apelará la desestimación de un tribunal de Massachusetts de todos menos uno de los cargos en la demanda que afirma que la constitución estatal y la ley estatal vigente, permiten la ayuda médica para morir a los adultos con enfermedades terminales que se encuentran en pleno uso de sus facultades mentales. El…
Bill Supporters Say 4-1 Vote Margin to Maintain “Neutral Engagement” Stance May Improve Chances for Advancing Bill by June 1 Committee Deadline Compassion & Choices praised the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) for voting to maintain a neutral position on legislation giving terminally ill patients the option of medical aid in dying to peacefully end unbearable…
Una nueva encuesta de Suffolk University/Boston Globe muestra un récord de apoyo de 77% para la medida de ayuda médica para morir entre los residentes de Massachusetts, incluyendo a las mayorías en todo el espectro estatal, regional, político y racial. Eso representa un incremento de siete puntos, del 70% de nivel de apoyo en su encuesta pre-covid,…
Voters Significantly Less Likely to Support Lawmakers Who Fail to Pass Bill A new Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll shows a record 77% support level among Massachusetts residents for medical aid-in-dying legislation, including majorities across the state regional, political and racial spectrum. It represents a seven-point increase from the 70% support level in their pre-COVID 2019 poll. The survey…
An excerpt from The Daily News of Newburyport letter to the editor, “So who can say when there is no hope?,” by Newburyport resident Jonathan Millen, published March 25, 2022: “The End of Life Options bill offers the devastatingly unfortunate few who are aware of their terminal illness, and subject to irremediable, unbearable pain, to obtain…
This legislative session is showing great promise, with encouraging progress in several states. Connecticut The Connecticut General Assembly’s Public Health Committee gave a bipartisan vote of 22-9 on March 4 in support of a medical aid-in-dying-bill. Advocates urged lawmakers to approve the bill, which has been referred to the Senate for action. “We hope the…
An excerpt from the Public News Service news segment, “MA Lawmakers Urge Colleagues to Pass End-of-Life Options Act,” published March 2, 2022: “According to a new poll, more than half of voters across the nation are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports medical aid in dying, and just 6% say they’d be less…
Defensores Hacen Llamado al Comité Conjunto sobre Finanzas Públicas para que Aprueben Proyecto de Ley en Votos del Pleno Compassion & Choices Action Network elogió hoy al Comité Conjunto de Salud Pública de Massachusetts por avanzar este lunes, el End of Life Options Act (S.1384/H.2381) o Medida de Opciones de Fin de Vida (S.1384/H.2381) haciendo asimismo, un…
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