
Status of Medical Aid in Dying

The California End of Life Option Act went into effect on June 9, 2016. This compassionate option allows for an eligible terminally ill adult, with a prognosis of six months or less to live, to request and receive a prescription form their doctor that they can self-ingest to peacefully end their suffering.

An improvement bill, SB 380, took effect in 2022. The Department of Public Health’s annual data report showed there was a 47% increase in Californians who used the law in 2022, increasing access to the law exactly as intended.

We will continue to work on reauthorizing this law, removing the sunset provision, and reducing barriers to access while ensuring safeguards remain intact.

The CDSS issued a notice to adult and senior care facilities about the End of Life Option Act. Residents who qualify for medical aid in dying living in assisted facilities and other adult or senior care facilities are able to take their medication in their home and can’t be evicted for choosing this option.

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Latest California News

October 18, 2021

Compassion & Choices Action Network aplaudió hoy a la Asamblea de California por aprobar el Senate Bill 380 o Medida SB 380, con una votación del Pleno de la Asamblea de  47-14.  La medida bipartidista SB 380 presentada por la Senadora Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) y el Asambleísta Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), mejoraría el acceso al End of Life Option Act o Ley de…

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Advocacy Group Applauds CA Assembly Appropriations Committee For Passage of Legislation to Improve End of Life Option Act
October 18, 2021

Compassion & Choices Action Network today applauded the California State Assembly Appropriations Committee for passing Senate Bill 380, with amendments, by a vote of 12-4.  SB 380, co-authored by Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) and Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), would improve access to the  End of Life Option Act. The bill, which the Senate passed by a 26-8…

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Corte de Apelaciones de California ordena al Tribunal de Primera Instancia Anular la Decisión de Suspender Temporalmente la Ley Opción de Fin de Vida
October 18, 2021

El martes a última hora, un tribunal de apelaciones de California ordenó a un tribunal superior anular su sentencia presentada en mayo, la cual suspendió la ley estatal de ayuda médica para morir antes que el tribunal de apelaciones revocó en Junio, restableciendo la ley.  El Circuito de Apelaciones del 4to Distrito, dictaminó que los demandantes…

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Comité Judicial de Asamblea de California Aprueba Medida Que Mantiene, Mejora Ley de Opción de Fin de Vida
October 18, 2021

Compassion & Choices Action Network agradeció hoy al Comité Judicial de la Asamblea del Estado de California por aprobar la medida Senate Bill 380, por un voto de 6-1. La propuesta presentada por la Senadora Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) y el Asambleísta Jim Wood (D-Santa Rosa), coautores del Senate Bill 380, mejoraría el acceso al End of Life Option Acto Ley…

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October 5, 2021

(Sacramento, CA, Compassion & Choices Action Network praised California Governor Gavin Newsom for signing into law Senate Bill 380 because it will dramatically improve terminally ill Californians’ access to the 2015 End of Life Option Act.  The End of Life Option Act gives mentally capable, terminally ill adults the option to request prescription medication they…

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