Tara Shapiro Palliative care physician Tara Shapiro helped her mother-in-law travel to Vermont from New York to access medical aid in dying.
Malori-Marie Musselman Witnessing her grandfather’s passing motivated Malori to become an advocate for end-of-life care and options.
Cathryn Bauer Dying of liver cancer, Cathryn Bauer’s husband struggled to access medical aid in dying in Colorado despite its authorization there.
Katherine Vaccaro Katherine and her husband, who is living with dementia, used Compassion & Choices’ Dementia Values and Priorities Tool to create dementia advance directives.
Peter Nightingale Peter was shocked to encounter disregard for his advance directive from hospital staff following a routine procedure.
Bill Knight Having the option of medical aid in dying in Oregon gave Bill’s wife, Judy, immense peace and dramatically improved her last days.
Cathy Calisi Cathy Calisi’s mother, Nana Dunn, chose to voluntarily stop eating and drinking (VSED) at the age of 83.
Carol Boerner Carol Boerner is a retired physician and advocate for the importance of advance care planning and improving end-of-life care.