Supporter Spotlight: Beverly Morgan

The Washington, D.C., nurse, entrepreneur, activist and Compassion & Choices African American Leadership Council member urges others to author their own untold stories by taking charge of their end-of-life care.
January 20, 2022

Beverly Morgan’s career in hospice and palliative care began in 2000, educating patients and families about the benefits of those services. “It was very rewarding to be able to link patients and families to a whole host of care, especially at a very vulnerable time,” she says. The experience spurred her to pursue further training through VITAS Healthcare’s End of Life Nursing Consortium, and over the past decade, Morgan has traveled nationwide to train healthcare professionals about end-of-life care. “It’s always awesome when you see the light in someone’s eyes as they are absorbing new information,” she says, “when the conversation is now a reflection of their newfound knowledge about innovative ways to help care for someone at the end of life.”

A member of the Compassion & Choices African American Leadership Council since its inception in 2017, Morgan believes passionately that people need to understand their options and exercise the same type of control and thoughtful decision-making throughout our lives, including as they end. “Having a choice as to how you want to live at the end — aligning your end of life with the same level of dignity and respect you once lived — is an amazing opportunity,” she says. “Put your house in order. Share quality moments with friends and family. Be the author to your untold story by living your best life.”

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