Compassion & Choices is thrilled to announce a group of bright minds committed to end-of-life issues is joining us for the summer as interns.
Sydney Reed
Thanks to our new partnership with the Student National Medical Association (SNMA), Doctors for Dignity (D4D) (an initiative of Compassion & Choices), is excited to welcome her as its very first End-of-Life Disparities Intern.
Currently residing in Chicago, Sydney Reed’s path to medicine was lovingly laid by her family, solidified by personal experiences and is powered by her incredible drive. Sydney is about to begin her second year at Ross University School of Medicine based in Barbados.
As an intern with Doctors for Dignity, Sydney will be expanding her knowledge of palliative medicine, advance care planning and end-of-life disparities. She will then present this information to community and health organizations.
Brenna Rosen
Brenna Rosen graduated from the University of Vermont in 2016 with a BA in Political Science and currently attends Washington & Lee University where she just finished her first year. She’s interested in healthcare law as a result of her previous work. She became passionate about advocacy and empowering individuals and families with information about end-of-life autonomy after her mother passed away in 2018.
This summer, in addition to being a fellow at Compassion & Choices, She is conducting research on the global impact of carceral feminism. She cites Compassion & Choices’ empathetic approach and intersectional impact on issues relating to bodily autonomy as what excites her about this opportunity.
Nathan Gray
Nathan Gray graduated from Wabash College with a BA in Political Science and currently attends Duke University’s School of Law.
Nathan is pursuing a law degree and a Master of Arts in Bioethics and Science Policy. He is passionate about pursuing healthcare reform to ensure greater equity and access and has previous experiences in a range of healthcare settings that lead him to Compassion & Choices.
Talia Pavlin
New York University Junior Talia Pavlin is excited to join Compassion & Choices this summer as our New York campaign media intern! Talia initially attended Lehigh University, but decided to transfer to NYU after her freshman year.
After taking classes in political censorship, media in society and journalism, she decided to declare philosophy as her major with a main focus in political philosophy, ethics and metaphysics. She’s passionate about politics and hopes to pursue a lobbying career or to be a lawyer. From Talia: “I’m ecstatic to be interning with Compassion & Choices because I feel like it is a pressing, relevant cause that, when enacted as law, can provide peace and relief to millions of individuals in end-of-life care.”
Compassion & Choices is lucky and honored to have such immense talent join us over the summer.
Compassion & Choices
Media Contacts
Michael Cavaiola
National Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected]
Phone: (480) 622 4427
Patricia A. González-Portillo
Senior National Latino Media Director
[email protected]
(323) 819 0310
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Etna, NH 03750