Compassion & Choices is committed to enforcing and expanding the rights of terminally ill people. Through our work in the courts, we fight to ensure that everyone can receive high-quality end-of-life care that is in line with their values, wishes and beliefs. We have been at the forefront of end-of-life care legal issues. Examples include the fight to explicitly authorize, expand and defend access to medical aid in dying as well as the effort to remove unnecessary restrictions from and secure compliance with advance care planning documents. In every case it is involved in, Compassion & Choices’ legal team prioritizes and seeks to advance patient-directed care.
Part of the Kligler legal team, including attorneys from Morgan Lewis, O'Melveny and Compassion & Choices at the Supreme Judicial Court in Boston.
Una encuesta reciente de YouGov poll mostró que los neoyorquinos apoyan abrumadoramente la ayuda médica para morir, ( 72-23%), incluyendo las fuertes mayorías de demócratas, depublicanos e independientes, así como de negros, blancos, latinos, asiáticos y votantes de cada region del estado.
A recent YouGov poll showed New Yorkers overwhelmingly support medical aid in dying, 72-23%, including strong majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents, as well as Black, white, Latino, and Asian voters, and voters from every region of the state.
As awards season buzz builds, this film has the potential to amplify advocacy for equitable, compassionate options for dying people. For those of us fighting for these rights, The Room Next Door reminds us why our work is so important — and why the conversation about autonomy at the end of life must continue.
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Etna, NH 03750