Championed by State Representative Paul Baumbach (D-Newark), HB140, the Ron Silverio/Heather Block End-of-Life Options Act, garnered support from 17 sponsors and cosponsors, including all members of Democratic legislative leadership. After years of dedicated advocacy from champion lawmakers, supporters, and allied organizations, the bill passed the General Assembly in June 2024, reflecting broad support for compassionate end-of-life options. Unfortunately, the bill was vetoed by the outgoing Governor three months later. Nevertheless, we remain committed to advancing this important legislation in the 2025/2026 session, and with continued support, we are determined to see it enacted into law.
The Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End of Life Options Act (HB 140) was reintroduced for the 2021/2022 legislative session on June 30, 2021. The bill was released by the House Health & Human Development Committee on January 19, 2022, but did not advance further during the 2021/2022 session.
On May 18, 2020, Compassion & Choices held a virtual town hall for Delaware-based supporters with Compassion & Choices President and CEO Kim Callinan and Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End of Life Options Act sponsor Delaware Representative Paul Baumbach. The recording of the event is available to view below.
The 2020 Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End of Life Options Act (HB 140), which would authorize medical aid in dying in Delaware was referred to the House Health and Human Development Committee. It was pulled from consideration without further action.
The committee held a public hearing on the bill on May 8, 2019. Testifiers turned out to support the legislation and we look forward to the committee advancing the bill in 2020.
The renamed Ron Silverio/Heather Block Delaware End of Life Options Act (HB 140) was introduced on May 2, 2019. The bill was heard on May 8 by the House Health & Human Development Committee.
The Delaware Section of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists resolved to take a stand of engaged neutrality in the matter of medical aid in dying. Their resolution states, “We believe both patient and physician participants should have the right to freely and voluntarily follow their individual consciences.”
February 2019 marked a Month of Action in Delaware. Every week in February, we asked supporters to amplify their voices by letting legislators, family and friends know why they are fighting for medical aid in dying in the First State.
Wonderful storytellers including Heather Block, Ron Silverio and Tom La Follette, lent their voices to our cause in 2018. They influenced leaders like News Journal Editor Matthew Albright, who wrote a column entitled: “The Voices of the Dying Changed My Mind.” With Compassion & Choices’ support, other advocates have written a steady stream of letters to the editor. Volunteers are also hosting community events and engaging supporters throughout the state. We are also working to engage physicians and faith leaders, and reach out to communities of color.
Championed by State Representative Paul Baumbach (D-Newark), the Delaware End of Life Options Act ( HB 160) passed out of the Delaware House Health and Human Development Committee by an 8 to 6 vote in 2017 following the testimony of more than 20 advocates, including Compassion & Choices staff and volunteers. The bill was not voted on by the full House of Representatives in the 2018 legislative session.
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