Delaware Healthcare Professional Organizations Recognize Medical Aid in Dying

A growing number of Delaware healthcare professional organizations have endorsed or adopted a neutral position regarding medical aid in dying as an end-of-life option for mentally capable, terminally ill adults.

Delaware Nurses Association

Nurses advocated with Senators for support on HB140, a bill to provide terminally ill Delawareans with self-determination over their end-of-life options and dignity in the dying process. The bill passed the House and the Senate and was sent to the Governor. This is the power of nurse advocacy in action.

DNA’s President, Dr. Stephanie J. McClellan, DNP, MBA, RN, CMSRN, NE-BC, stated, “Advocacy is one of the most powerful ways for nurses to stand up for patients, our communities, and our profession. Having a united voice allowed us to create positive movement on powerful legislation. We will continue to stand together and speak up for the advancement of nursing and healthcare across Delaware.”

Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners

The boards of both the Delaware Coalition of Nurses Practitioners and the Delaware Nurses Association have voted to support this bill.

Delaware Psychological Association

The Delaware Psychological Association (DPA) is writing to express our formal endorsement of House Bill 140, The Ron Silverio/Heather Block End of Life Options Law. Over the past month, members of our State Advocacy and Ethics committees and the Executive Committee of the DPA have thoroughly reviewed the legislation, as well as held a Town Hall with our membership to discuss the formulation of our position. Overwhelmingly, there has been support with minimal opposition. As an organization, this position of support reflects our belief in an individual’s autonomy and right to self-determination throughout their lives, including at the end of life, and it aligns with our General Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence, and Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity.


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