Telegram & Gazette: Letter: End of Life Options Act should be supported

June 16, 2020

An excerpt from the Telegram & Gazette letter to the editor, “End of Life Options Act should be supported,” by Worcester resident Willa Kahn, MD, published June 12, 2020:


“As concerned as I am about the COVID-19 pandemic, I would like to add my voice to the letters of Dr. DePrez and Dr. Harrington from March 19 and April 21 in support of the death with dignity bill, officially titled The End of Life Options Act (H. 1926).

I was very glad to learn that on May 29, the Joint Committee on Public Health, which is co-chaired by Rep. John Mahoney of Worcester, passed the bill by a large majority.

It will allow mentally competent, terminally ill adults who have less than six months to live and are facing severe and unrelieved pain, to purchase medication prescribed by their doctor to be taken if and when they choose as a compassionate aid in dying.

Massachusetts would join nine other states and the District of Columbia which have enacted similar legislation. The Massachusetts Medical Society has dropped its long-held opposition to this issue and adopted a new position of ‘engaged neutrality.’

As a family physician senior citizen, mother, and daughter, I would welcome legislation that would allow my patients, myself, and my family choices in how we would like our lives to end…”


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