The Chicago Tribune published an opinion piece by Miguel Carrasquillo, who recorded a bilingual video for Compassion & Choices to urge state lawmakers nationwide to pass laws to give terminally ill adults the option of medical aid in dying.
In the piece, Miguel talks about the pain he experiences and calls on lawmakers nationwide to authorize medical aid and dying:
Legislators in every U.S. state and territory: Please authorize medical aid in dying as an end-of-life option. Dying people in intractable pain have no viable options other than to go back and forth to hospitals, where they poke us over and over, where they give us more pills and connect us to machines that prolong our dying process. I am tired of fighting.
Doctors: I urge you to listen and to honor your patients’ end-of-life wishes, whether you agree with them or not.
My fellow Latinos: I ask you to break the cultural taboo of discussing death and medical aid in dying. Talking about death is one of the most important conversations we should have, whether we are dying or not. Terminally ill people should not have to endure needless pain; instead they should be able to see a doctor to request a prescription for medication to end their suffering. Latinos need to stop worrying about being judged. We need to advocate for laws authorizing the option of medical aid in dying.
My fellow Americans: Please call your legislators, write e-mails and tell them you support laws to authorize medical aid in dying.
My brothers and sisters in Christ: Please stop referring to medical aid in dying as a sin. I respect those who would make a different decision if they were in my shoes, but I urge you to respect my end-of-life wishes and not impose your values on me.
Compassion & Choices
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