Group Launches Powerful Video Urging NM Lawmakers to Pass Medical Aid-in-Dying Bill in 2021

NM woman cites her Granddad’s painful death as reason to authorize peaceful dying option
January 19, 2021

On the first day of the 2021 legislative session, Compassion & Choices Action Network launched an emotionally powerful video of a New Mexico woman, Maya Distasio, pleading with state legislators to authorize medical aid in dying by passing the Elizabeth Whitefield End of Life Options Act (HB 47). To view the video CLICK HERE.

This compassionate legislation is especially important to Albuquerque resident Maya Distasio, whose 77-year-old grandfather died alone from self-inflicted knife wounds because he could no longer tolerate the pain from acute myeloid leukemia. In the video, Maya shares this emotionally painful story and talks about the importance of New Mexico authorizing medical aid in dying, so no other state residents have to suffer needlessly as her grandfather did.

The Elizabeth Whitefield End of Life Options Act would allow terminally ill, mentally capable adults to request and receive medication they may decide to take to relieve unbearable suffering. 

“This compassionate end-of-life option is a matter of personal freedom and dignity for terminally ill New Mexicans,” said Representative Debbie Armstrong, the bill’s author. “New Mexicans should have the ability to decide on what is right for them. No one should be forced to suffer as they die.” 

In the video, Maya recalled her grandfather’s intense suffering a few days before his final day on March 28, 2017

“He was screaming in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs, just crying,” Maya says. “He said, ‘I feel like people are drilling holes into my bones constantly.’” 

Maya also advocated for the Legislature to pass the bill during the 2019 legislative session. The House Health & Human Services Committee, House Judiciary Committee and Senate Public Affairs Committee approved the bill in 2019, but the bill did not make it to the full House and Senate for a vote.

“New Mexicans should not have to resort to violent means to end their suffering,” said Elizabeth Armijo, National Advocacy Director for Compassion & Choices Action Network. “That’s why we have worked closely with the New Mexico End of Life Options Coalition to re-introduce the bill during the 2021 legislative session.” 

Ten jurisdictions, including Washington, D.C. and nine states, authorize this end-of-life care option: California, Colorado, Hawai‘i, Maine, Montana, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Collectively, there are 23 years of experience with medical aid in dying since the first law was enacted in Oregon, and an additional 40+ years of combined evidence and cumulative data from the medical aid-in-dying laws passed in other jurisdictions. More than one out of five Americans (22%) have access to this compassionate option.

Compassion & Choices is comprised of two organizations: Compassion & Choices (the 501(c)(3) arm), whose focus is expanding access, public education, and litigation; and Compassion & Choices Action Network (the 501(c)(4) arm), whose focus is legislative work at the federal and state levels.

Paid for by Compassion & Choices Action Network.

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