On July 12, C&C held the first End of Life Options Groups Collaborative in several years. The virtual meeting assembled leaders from 14 different end-of-life organizations: Arizona End of Life Options, End of Life Choices California, American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying (ACAMAID), Georgia End of Life Options, Marylanders for End of Life Options, End of Life Options New Mexico, New Jersey Death with Dignity, End of Life Choices New York, End of Life Options Ohio, End of Life Choices Oregon, Patient Choices Vermont, End of Life Washington, Compassion & Choices and Compassion & Choices Action Network.
Compassion & Choices President and CEO Kim Callinan started off the event, which sought to facilitate communication and strengthen relationships among the allied groups, with a national overview of the movement. She recapped the 2022 legislative session, during which 12 states introduced bills to authorize medical aid in dying, three states introduced bills to improve medical aid in dying, and two anti medical-aid-in-dying bills were introduced. End of Life Options New Mexico spoke about passage of their aid-in-dying law last year, and Patient Choices Vermont discussed their success in passing an improvement bill, which removed unnecessary barriers to accessing the state’s 2013 Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act.
“It was really wonderful to have everyone come together to share experiences and ideas, and strategize about priorities for the movement locally and nationally,” said Compassion & Choices National Director of Care Advocacy Samantha Trad. The collaborative plans to meet more regularly moving forward.
Compassion & Choices
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