Compassion & Choices founder Barbara Coombs Lee and ally Dr. Nicholas Gideonse correct misconceptions about Oregon’s pioneering aid-in-dying law in BMJ Journal

Claims and Facts About Oregon's Death With Dignity Act at 25 Years
November 8, 2023

Read the full article here.

This article provides a simplistic perspective, relying heavily on correlation, not causation, to make unproven claims about Oregon’s medical aid-in-dying law and erroneously comparing it to euthanasia laws outside the United States.

Claim: “… there was an increase in patients feeling a burden and describing financial concerns as reasons for choosing an assisted death.” (p. 1) “Detailed studies are needed to explain the marked change in medical funding for PAS patients in Oregon.” (p. 5)

Facts: While the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) reports insurance status, it doesn’t report whether patients used their insurance for medical aid in dying. Only 5.1% of people in Oregon who qualified for medical aid in dying since 1998 noted the financial burden among their reasons for requesting it. … (read more)

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