Compassion & Choices Clarifies Aid-in-Dying Process

April 16, 2019

Since Big Island Now’s last article on the Our Care Our Choice Act (OCOCA), it has been confirmed that aid-in-dying medication is available for all qualified patients in Hawai‘i.

“While these are not official numbers, we are aware of at least three people [in the state of Hawai‘i] who have filled prescriptions, one of whom has ingested the medication,” said Aubrey Hawk, Big Island resident and consultant for Compassion & Choices Hawai‘i, explaining that the new legislation is being put to use in Hawai‘i.

Compassion & Choices Hawai‘i works to ensure that healthcare providers honor and enable patients’ decisions about their care.

A Hawai‘i pharmacy that has filled one aid-in-dying prescription wishes to remain anonymous, but Big Island Now can share that it is on O‘ahu. Big Island Now has also learned that, although this patient chose to pick up the prescription in person, it is possible to have prescriptions sent by the pharmacist to anywhere in the state via certified mail, with signature upon receipt.

Read the full article on Big Island Now by clicking here

Compassion & Choices
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[email protected] 
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