2024 Annual Fund Update

April 22, 2024

Dear friend,

Dementia profoundly impacts our society and demands a shift in end-of-life care perspectives. As the national director of clinical engagement at Compassion & Choices, I see this need play out daily as we strive to provide individuals and families the tools they need to navigate this complex journey. Information and proactive planning are paramount to having your values and priorities honored in the final stage of life.

Have your gift matched when you support our dementia work by giving to the 2024 Annual Fund today!

One important way we are changing the conversation is with our new and improved Dementia Values and Priorities Tool. This interactive resource helps document your wishes regarding the care you want (or do not want) to create a free specialized addendum to your advance directive to share with loved ones and your healthcare team.

The updated tool incorporates direct feedback from supporters, volunteers, community focus groups and clinical experts to address the unique needs people face as dementia progresses. We’ve even developed a series of videos to provide detailed information on key terms in plain language.

Your generosity has been instrumental to the ongoing improvement of this unique resource and continues to drive our nationwide impact. Will you support our work to help people navigate a dementia diagnosis with a gift to our 2024 Annual Fund?

The tool is 100% confidential and no longer requires a password or account to access. It also aligns with the Compassion & Choices My End-of-Life Decisions toolkit and POLST/MOLST forms. 

The experience is highly customizable with options to answer or skip a question and open fields to enter additional details specific to you. As you explore the tool, you will notice that it encourages you to consider your values and future options, such as long-term or hospice care.

We believe in this tool as a guide for you and your loved ones that has the power to impact how our society honors the priorities of people living with dementia. 

Cultivate Compassion: Match my gift today!

Your support makes transformational resources like this possible. 

With gratitude,

Jessica Empeno, MSW
National Director, Clinical Engagement
Compassion & Choices

Compassion & Choices
Media Contacts

Michael Cavaiola
National Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected] 
Phone: (480) 622 4427

Patricia A. González-Portillo
Senior National Latino Media Director
[email protected]
(323) 819 0310

General Mailing Address:
Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

Mail contributions directly to:
Compassion & Choices Gift Processing Center
PO Box 485
Etna, NH 03750

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