Connecticut Speaks Out

Six Words Full Project

Supporters of legislation authorizing medical aid-in-dying shared in six words why it is important that this compassionate option is available to all Connecticut residents.

Screen shot of Jill Hammerberg

Jill Hammerberg


"Our remaining time together as a family could have been immeasurably better and we would not be carrying the heavy burden of sadness in our hearts because of the unnecessary prolonged suffering of our beloved."

Jennifer's testimony

Jim Naughton


"One of the most appreciated aspects of this law, we’re told from people who are dying, is the peace of mind it gives them. Even if they don’t exercise it--just knowing it’s there, knowing that if they need it, if the suffering becomes too much to bear, it will be available to them--releases them from spending their final weeks and months, in fear. I wish my wife, Pam, had had this chance."

Jim's testimony

Screen shot of Kim Hoffman

Kim Hoffman

Died of Stage IV ovarian cancer in 2022

"I do not want sympathy—don’t ‘feel sorry’ for me. Rather, feel compassion. Imagine how you would ‘feel’ in my situation and how long you could tolerate the suffering and daily loss of capacity before you’d just want to relax and die peacefully."

Kim's full testimony

Mark Tucker

Actor and friend of Star Trek actor René Auberjonois, who utilized California’s medical aid in dying law

"I live in Easton with my wife...I have no idea how or when I’m going to die. But if Connecticut passes this medical aid-in-dying bill, then my life will be better now."

Mike's full testimony

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Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

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Etna, NH 03750

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