Reaching People Where They Are

We are using the full strength of our organization’s integrated approach to reach people where they are and help them plan for life’s end. 

We live in a nation that is a beautiful mix of cultures, traditions and faiths all with different perspectives and beliefs about death and dying. What is right at life’s end for one person may not be what is right for another. Which sparks a necessity for Compassion & Choices, as the nation’s largest end-of-life advocacy organization, to provide the resources and tools every American needs to plan for an end-of-life experience that aligns with their personal values, priorities and beliefs.  Our African American, Latino, and recently added Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Leadership Councils are guiding us, strengthening relationships with organizations and community leaders, and helping us develop culturally relevant materials to educate people about end-of-life planning. To this end, we are also focusing on language accessibility, beginning with an extension for our End-of-Life Consultation Program 800 number for Spanish speakers, plus a goal of translating all of our educational materials into Spanish. This year, we sought to engage younger generations in the conversation about death and end-of-life planning during National Healthcare Decisions Day, which was very well attended. We also are expanding our outreach to faith and spiritual leaders from Protestantism, Judaism, Unitarian Universalist, Quaker, Presbyterian and more.  We are not a homogenous, monolithic society, and so Compassion and Choices’ work should not reflect a one-dimensional view. Yet, we know one thing is universal: We all will die. End-of-life planning is critical for each of us. That’s why we are committed to educating and empowering everyone to make informed decisions so they can advocate for themselves and their loved ones.    With support,  Kim