Conversations About Grief Webinars

Kimberley Pittman-Schulz, grief and life transitions mentor, coach and author

Noticing Joy in Grief with Kimberley Pittman-Schulz and Compassion & Choices

Aired: May 8, 2024

Learn simple yet powerful practices to take a break from grief and reimagine possibilities for life after loss. This webinar with Compassion & Choices and Kimberley Pittman-Schulz, grief and life transitions mentor, coach and author occurred on May 8, 2024.

how to rewrite your story for a transformative 2024 with rob pardi

Beyond Resolutions: How to Rewrite Your Story for a Transformative 2024

Aired: February 2, 2024

We invite you to go beyond resolutions and embark on a transformative journey in 2024. Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be emotionally challenging and the grief that follows overwhelming. In this workshop, seasoned life coach and author Pardi will guide you through the powerful concept of identity shifting. Discover the potential within yourself to write the next chapter of your life, creating a narrative that empowers and uplifts you.

Kimberley Pittman-Schulz, renowned grief and life transitions mentor

Finding Your Pathway Back After Loss with Kimberley Pittman-Schulz and Compassion & Choice

Aired: November 9, 2023

In times of loss and transition, finding your way back to a place of healing can be challenging. During this enlightening online session, Kimberley Pittman-Schulz, renowned grief and life transitions mentor, coach and author, introduces her groundbreaking model: The Four Grief Releasing Pathways. Each pathway is designed to guide you through the healing process, providing a unique approach to understanding and processing grief.

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Beyond Grief: Unveiling the Power of Resilience with Robert Pardi

Aired: October 18, 2023

As a seasoned life coach and author, Robert Pardi brings a wealth of wisdom on navigating the intricate path of resilience in the face of grief. In this workshop, Robert shares compelling stories and guide participants through a journey of reimagining, rebuilding and living forward.

Spirituality of Grief zoom screenshot

The Spirituality of Grief with Rev. Dr. Fran Shelton

Aired: May 15, 2023

Zeena Regis has a conversation with Rev. Dr. Fran Shelton about her new book, The Spirituality of Grief. The book honors the complex nature of grief and offers simple comfort: We are not alone, and there is no one right way to grieve.

Reigniting Resilience zoom screenshot

Reigniting Resilience: It’s About Bouncing Beyond with Robert Pardin

Aired: April 30, 2023

Have you forgotten how to access your resilience? Join Compassion & Choices’ Senior Director of Legacy & Planned Giving Sam Young and life coach and author, Robert Pardi, for a conversation about how resilience is found at the intersection of three life domains: purpose, perspective, and personal power.

Grief mentor Kimberley Pittman-Schulz

Inviting Joy Into Grief A Conversation About Living With Loss and With Joy

Aired: April 6, 2023

A conversation with author and grief mentor Kimberley Pittman-Schulz about navigating grief and reimagining life after loss. we will explore how you can invite joy back into your days, even in the midst of difficult emotions. Kimberley will also offer a simple practice for taking a break from grief through one tiny, yet powerful, ritual.

Grave Woman Podcast Feature Image

Death & Grief Talk Podcast with the Grave Woman

Aired: November 22, 2022

Our relationships with death, dying and the end-of-life are very personal and unique to use all. We will all meet death differently and because of this it is vital that our collective perspectives allow for countless vantage points. For many who have received or been living with terminal diagnosis, the thought of taking autonomy over “our meeting death” is vitally important yet impossible because of limited legislation, misconceptions, and taboo around Medical Aid in Dying. In this installment of The Death and Grief Talk Podcast with The Grave Woman, I had the honor of speaking with President and CEO of Compassion and Choices Kim Callinan. Compassion and Choices improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. Compassion and Choices also provides resources that educate and empower those diagnosed with dementia, seeking or receiving palliative care support, and initiating end-of-life conversations with health care providers and much more. According to the Compassion and Choices website Medical Aid in Dying is a trusted and time-tested medical practice that allows a terminally ill, mentally capable adult with a prognosis of six months or less to live to request from their doctor a prescription for medication they can decide to self-ingest to die peacefully in their sleep. Medical aid in dying is sometimes incorrectly referred to as “assisted physician suicide,” “physician aid in dying,” “death with dignity,” and “euthanasia.” Medical aid in dying is not assisted suicide, suicide, or euthanasia. These terms are misleading and factually incorrect. To be eligible for aid-in-dying medication, an individual must meet all four criteria: An adult (aged 18 or older); Terminally ill with a prognosis of six months or less to live; Mentally capable of making their own healthcare decisions; and Able to self-ingest the medication. In addition to the strict eligibility criteria these laws establish the following core safeguards: The attending physician must inform the terminally ill adult requesting medical aid in dying about all other end-of-life care options. These other options include comfort care, hospice care, pain control and palliative care; The attending physician must inform the terminally ill adult requesting medical aid in dying that they can change their mind at any time. This patient right to change their mind includes deciding not to self-ingest the medication once they have obtained it; The attending physician must also offer the individual an opportunity to rescind their request. These core safeguards ensure that individual patient preferences, needs and values are honored, and guide all clinical decisions, including the decision to use medical aid in dying. Society benefits when medical aid in dying laws are implemented — benefits that help everybody — regardless of whether one decides to access the law: Improved conversations between doctors and patients Better use of hospice Better physician training in end-of-life care

Dr. Haider Warraich in a lab coat

The Song of Our Scars: the Untold Story of Pain with Dr. Haider Warraich

Aired: June 21, 2022

Dr. Haider Warraich discusses his new book, The Song of Our Scars: the Untold Story of Pain. In the book, Dr. Warraich, former Compassion & Choices Board Member, describes the origins of pain from a biological, sociological and medical perspective. He describes how “Almost everything we know about pain and how we treat it is wrong.” He argues a more holistic understanding of suffering leads to a more patient-centered response and helps us understand the need for end-of-life options.

End of Life Symposium Live Webinar Series

Grief & Bereavement at the End of Life

Aired: January 7, 2021
Explore grief and bereavement at the end of life to help patients better manage the situation; Integrate clinical knowledge and advances into the management of patients at the end of life; Understand medical aid in dying and utilize resources available to patients and providers.
Day Schildkret on zoom call

Day Schildkret Special Event

Aired: August 17, 2022.

Day Schildkret joins us to discuss the power of ritual in experiencing grief, and the beauty and comfort we may find in our own backyard. Day is a renowned artist and thinker and has taught workshops and created large-scale installations at Google, The 9/11 Memorial Plaza, The Hammerstein Ballroom, The Andy Warhol Foundation, California Academy of Sciences, and many other places around the world.

General Mailing Address:
Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

Mail contributions directly to:
Compassion & Choices Gift Processing Center
PO Box 485
Etna, NH 03750

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