
May 5, 2020

You may have heard of #GivingTuesday—a day that usually falls in November meant to celebrate and encourage giving, unity and social engagement. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, May 5 was declared #GivingTuesdayNow, a new day to come together in kindness and solidarity.

Please join us in participating in this day and help us spread the word about the tools for planning end-of-life care during this pandemic. Compassion & Choices is committed to helping people live and die in line with their values, and that is especially relevant today.

Here are five ways you can join us in #GivingTuesdayNow:

  1. Share our COVID-19 toolkit.
    COVID-19 has given many Americans a new awareness of their own mortality and raised the relevancy of end-of-life planning. With that awareness comes a new set of challenges and concerns which we address in this tailored resource. Share our toolkit on Facebook and Twitter using the #GivingTuesdayNow hashtag to help bring this resource to even more people.
  2. Accept our gratitude and a *virtual* high five!
    Your  contribution helped us reach our fundraising goal of $25,000 last month! Your gift was doubled with matching funds, meaning we now have access to $50,000 to continue our programs. Thank you.
  3. Tell 5 friends about your support for end-of-life options.
    One of the easiest ways to begin sharing your end-of-life values with your loved ones is to introduce them to Compassion & Choices. Forward this email and ask them to join our online community to learn more about patient-centered care in life’s final chapter.
  4. Follow us on Facebook.
    Get immediate updates, touching stories, and online resources directly on your timeline. Here’s one of my favorite posts.
  5. Join the Legacy Circle.
    When you plan a legacy gift to Compassion & Choices, you join a caring and valued group of people focused on changing the future of end-of-life care. Get started.

Thank you for being a champion of our work through all of life’s ups and downs. We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and hopeful—our hearts and thoughts are with you.

Compassion & Choices
Media Contacts

Michael Cavaiola
National Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected] 
Phone: (480) 622 4427

Patricia A. González-Portillo
Senior National Latino Media Director
[email protected]
(323) 819 0310

General Mailing Address:
Compassion & Choices
8156 S Wadsworth Blvd #E-162
Littleton, CO 80128

Mail contributions directly to:
Compassion & Choices Gift Processing Center
PO Box 485
Etna, NH 03750

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