Defensores del Centro de Nueva York (CNY) Exigen a la Legislatura la Aprobación del Medical Aid in Dying Act en el 2023, mientras Compassion & Choices Continúa su Campaña en Todo el Estado

Dec 13, 2022

Corinne Carey, directora de campaña de Nueva York para Compassion & Choices, dijo que la campaña para convertir a Nueva York en el onceavo estado en autorizar la ayuda médica para morir ha sido todo un éxito, emocionando a los que la apoyan y a sus defensores. Carey y varios defensores participaron hoy en una conferencia de prensa en Syracuse - la cuarta de una campaña de dos meses en el estado- para exigir que la Legislatura estatal apruebe el Medical Aid in Dying Act o Medida Ayuda Médica para Morir en el 2023.

Defensores de Rochester Exigen la Aprobación del Medical AId in Dying Act en el 2023 como Parte de Campaña de Compassion & Choices en Todo el Estado

Dec 9, 2022

Compassion & Choices Senior New York Campaign Director Corinne Carey said that the campaign to make New York the 11th state to authorize medical aid in dying will intensify and continue to be engaged in every corner of the state. Carey and several local residents participated in a Rochester news conference today – the third leg of a two-month, statewide grassroots campaign to demand that the State Legislature pass the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023.

Rochester Advocates Demand Passage of the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023 as Part of Compassion & Choices’ Statewide Campaign

Dec 5, 2022

Compassion & Choices Senior New York Campaign Director Corinne Carey said that the campaign to make New York the 11th state to authorize medical aid in dying will intensify and continue to be engaged in every corner of the state. Carey and several local residents participated in a Rochester news conference today – the third leg of a two-month, statewide grassroots campaign to demand that the State Legislature pass the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023.

Buffalo & WNY Advocates Join Compassion & Choices to Demand the State Legislature Pass the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023

Nov 29, 2022

Compassion & Choices Senior New York Campaign Director Corinne Carey implored state legislators from Western New York and across the state to ease the suffering of too many terminally ill New Yorkers at the end of life by passing the Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2023. Carey was joined at a Buffalo news conference today – on the second leg of a two-month, statewide, grassroots campaign – by the family members of medical aid-in-dying advocates who passed away – suffering – and without that compassionate end-of-life care option in New York.

Medical Aid-in-Dying Advocates Ask Legislators: How Many More Dying New Yorkers Need to Suffer Before You Act?

May 24, 2022

Dozens of advocates for the Medical Aid in Dying Act – sponsored by Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) and Assemblymember Amy Paulin (D-Westchester) and more than 70 cosponsors in the two houses – rallied at the State Capitol today to ask lawmakers, “How many more dying New Yorkers need to suffer while dying before you pass this compassionate end-of-life care option?”