

Status of End-of-Life Legislation

The Illinois End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act (SB 3499), that would authorize medical aid in dying in Illinois, was introduced in the Senate on February 8, 2024 by Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D 42). The legislation is summarized here.

The majority of Illinoisans support medical aid in dying. In a 2023 poll, 71% of likely Illinois Voters supported this compassionate legislation. The majority of Illinois physicians also support this option with the key safeguards in the legislation

Survey of Illinois Physicians’ Attitudes Toward Medical Aid in Dying as an End-of-Life Option

Illinois Legislative Campaign Overview

The Compassion & Choices Action Network Illinois team and the ACLU of Illinois are partnering in the Illinois End-of-Life Options Coalition to advocate for the end-of-life care option of medical aid in dying for qualified terminally ill Illinoisans. If you would like to get involved in this movement, please sign up here.


Legislation to allow medical aid in dying, an option for mentally capable, terminally ill adults to peacefully end unbearable suffering, is supported by a wide majority of Illinois voters, regardless of political affiliation, disability, race, gender identity, age or religion.

5 charts showing support for Medical Aid in dying across demographics in Illinois

Learn More

Hear from Illinoisan Deb Robertson

Nilsa Centeno is the mother of the late Miguel Carrasquillo, a Chicago chef who died in his native Puerto Rico in 2016 of brain cancer while advocating for medical aid in dying.

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Illinois Newsletter Archive, issues linked below

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simple blue medical cross graphic.For Patients Access the Illinois Advance Directive  



tools for end of life planning and decision making.End-of-Life Planning Use our step-by-step guide to chart your journey.  



advance care planning and resources in Spanish, espanol.Los recursos en Español Los recursos en Español.  



answers to questions about COVID-19, including treatment and end of life.COVID-19 Toolkit Get answers to your questions about COVID-19 and end of life care.  



tools for end of life planning and decision making.Resources for Providers Find resources tailored to the needs of healthcare providers.     



Dianne Clemens smiling wearing a hat and scarf in the snow

“I want the peace of mind that comes with being able to determine when my suffering has become too great — and only I can decide that.”

The following excerpt is from the op-ed, “Death and the power of options,” by Dianne Clemens that first appeared in the Pantagraph on January 20, 2023. 

As a nurse, I spent 50 years bearing witness to people’s deaths. I’ve seen people die with great dignity and grace and I’ve seen people who did not have the opportunity to do so – people who needed and deserved more options.

My professional background and lived experience with cancer have helped me understand the importance of medical aid in dying, both from the perspective of a practitioner and as a consumer. Until lawmakers in Illinois make this a priority, more terminally ill residents will suffer needlessly at the end of their lives.

I really don’t control much in my life anymore, but I realized during my first diagnosis that the one thing I can control is my attitude. I could complain, but why would I? I’m still able to do some things that are meaningful to me, including spending time with family and advocating for improved end-of-life care here in Illinois.

The Compassion & Choices family comprises two organizations: Compassion & Choices (the 501(c)(3)), whose focus is expanding access, public education and litigation; and Compassion & Choices Action Network (the 501(c)(4)), whose focus is legislative work at the federal and state levels.


Supported in part by Compassion & Choices Action Network.
